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Title: Phineas Gage                                                                               


Author: John Fleischman

Genre: non-fiction

            Phineas Gage was a railroad worker; he had a terrible injury over 150 years ago in 1848.  While working as a foreman with explosives he had a terrible accident that left him with a hole in his head.  Despite his injury he made a “complete recovery” while traveling the world.  While traveling the world he shared his stories.  His tragic story changed how the way scientists look at the brain.

            I agree with the author, he was lucky because he lived 11 years after his injury.  He was also unlucky, because unfortunately he then died.  He lived for 11 years with a hole in his head so overall I think he was lucky.

            I didn’t like this book because I found it boring.  There were to many big medical words.  I like the beginning however.  When it got to the middle/end it got real boring real fast.  I would rte this book a 1.5.  I would recommend this book for someone who is going to school for medical things, like a doctor, or someone who is a brain surgeon, maybe even a scientist.